Ability to create Sections and Sub Sections to store your goods. Items can be added, removed and transfered within these regions.
Stocks can be removed through the First In First Out method or by issuing out individual serial nos.
Ability to generate/retrieve Goods Received Notes, Issue notes and Transfer notes for each of the transactions that takes place
Users can be added, removed and granted limited access to certain sections within the workbook.
Regular backups can be done to keep transactions & records safe and secure.
Connect your printer in order to print out GRN's, Issue Notes and Transfer Notes for reference.
Stock Management
Stock Valuation
Unlimited Users
User Management
Grant User Access to certain WorkSheets
Out Stocks using FIFO/ Traceable Serial no
Define Sections and Sub Sections
Generate GRN, Issue & Transfer Notes
Retrieve Documentation
Security during transactions
Backup & Rebuild Stocks
A Stock Management System To Monitor Your Inventory
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